Eiichiro Takahata – Professor of Constitutional Law, Nihon University, Japan

Eiichiro Takahata is a Professor of Constitutional Law at Nihon University, Japan. He received an LLM from the University of Georgia, USA in 1997. His specialties are constitutional law, comparative constitutional law, and “Law and Religion.” His publications include: “Religious Accommodation in Japan,” 2007 Brigham Young University Law Review 729; “Das Recht auf religiöse Selbstbestimmung in Japan,” in Persönlichkeitsschutz und Eigentumsfreiheit in Japan und Deutschland (Philip Kunig & Makoto Nagata, von., 2009, Carl Heymanns); “Japon,” in Dictionnaire du Droit des Religions (Francis Messner, dir., 2011, Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique); “Religious education in Japan,” in The Routledge International Handbook of Religious Education (Derek H. Davis & Elena Miroshnikova, eds., 2012, Routledge), as well as many articles and book chapters in Japanese. His recent academic interest focuses on religious education in Japanese private schools and governmental funding, and denominational autonomy and Japanese laws on religious institutions. This is his second appearance to the conference.